Fall weather is starting to creep up around here. We’ve even had a few mornings in the low fifties and even though I’m not a lover of cold temperatures, it’s been really nice sitting out on the patio in my snuggly PJ’s while enjoying my first morning cup of coffee.
I’ve also been re-arranging my closet so I have easy access to my fall and winter clothing. I’m excited to discover that I may need want to go shopping for a few items to round

Out this winter’s wardrobe. However, this Wednesday’s Closet Tips is all about re-cycling what I already have(sorry for the shabby images). Today, I’m wearing my favorite pants.
Yes, they look like a skirt because the legs are wiggly-wide and they are so comfy. I added this long tunic with slits on the sides. Both items have been in my closet a couple years and I see wide legged pants and long tunics online so I’m sure you can find similar ones.
These flats are by Tieks. They are perfect for scooting around town without worrying about #tiredfeetsyndrome.
My added bracelet with pearl and bronze beads and these earrings are both gifts from my sweet friends.
With long sleeves and pants, I have all the protection I need for this chill in the air.
Until next time,

