To all, I pray you have a blessed Christmas surrounded by the real purpose for this celebratory day! Take a moment or two to step away from your crazy busy lives and enjoy the love of family and friends. Pause to thank God for the best gift of all, his son Jesus.

Thank you for following my blog. I am humbled and over joyed when I read your comments of how I am enriching your lives by sharing my passion of what I love. I pray that God will continue to fill me with creative juices to share with you. I am going to step away for a few days and take some of my own advise of enjoying the season. I will be back next week to share a few more ideas before 2015. 

 We will have roast duck, oyster dressing, a few sides from the freezer that were left over from our Thanksgiving meal and sweet potato pie. I just took care of my Santa’s helper duties and now I will finish off our meal. We normally have a quiet Christmas with just the three of us and that’s just fine with me. We lie around in our pajamas, listen to Christmas music and nibble on the meal all day.  Have a Merry Merry Christmas!



