By now you should know that I love salads and I will be featuring lots of salads on my website. Why a boring salad you say? Well you can rest assure that my salads won’t be boring.  As a matter of fact, they may be a bit over the top. Creating new ways to prepare salads while enjoying the nutritional value that comes from fruits and vegetables, make salads a go to choice for me.  Salads are quick and easy to prepare and the presentation is endless. I dropped by the market to grab a few ingredients for a salad and I spotted these robust black cherries piled high on a platform waiting to be cherry picked by non other than me. I prefer to pick my own cherries as oppose to having them already bagged up. I want to make sure every cherry is firm and ripe. Here is the salad I created and I love the name. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. I also grabbed a rotisserie chicken to slice for those who just have to have protein with their meal.

Cherry salad William 020

Salad with sliced Rotisserie Chicken.

Salad with sliced Rotisserie Chicken.

Cherry salad William 017


6 large romaine lettuce leaves
4 large kale leaves vein removed
10 sun dried tomatoes julienne sliced
1 small red onion sliced and cut in half
12 large black cherries cut in half with seed removed
1/2 cup flat leaf parsley lightly chopped
10-12 thin slices of Gouda cheese

Rinse, chop and spin lettuce and kale. Place in a pretty bowl. Add other ingredients and toss lightly with hands. Place Gouda cheese over salad and sprinkle additional parsley all on top.

Serve with your choice of dressing or try my homemade Balsamic Vinegar Dressing

4 Tbs. Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. dried basil
1/4 tsp. dried oregano
2 pressed garlic cloves
1 Tbs. sugar
3/4 cups olive oil

Place all ingredients in an airtight container. Shake well. Refrigerate after use.

