Smiles, to the weekend fall weather, foliage and festivals. I plan on hitting a couple of flea markets to kick off my holiday shopping. I hope you have grand plans which don’t include those dreaded household chores. I wish I had a magic wand to wave over my roof top and “ta-da” my home sparkles like those staged perfect rooms in magazines. Instead, I shove stuff in the closets and get the same effect. I few weeks ago,

I visited my Sissy who lives in the cutest cottage tucked in the piney woods of a small East Texas Town. I love my Sissy’s place because she is border line junky (the apple doesn’t…) Her cottage is filled with so much eye candy it’s down right fattening! I wake up in the wee hours of the morning, make myself a cup of piping hot coffee (making sure to treat myself to one of her fancy teacup and saucers) then browse her house for things I can beg for later! This time, I headed to her gardens and boy was I glad I did. My Sissy lives about 150 miles from the Gulf so the weather is perfect. There were lots of fallen leaves but her garden is still producing flowers and the bees are really happy about it. Let’s take a tour through her cottage garden.
This is where I sit for my coffee.
#vingagefallcottage#vintagemotelchairs#belindasdreamrose #pinkroses#bumblebeeandrose#treesinforest#redbarn#flower#flower#vintagegarden#purplesalvia#vingagefallcottage#periwinkles

Have a fall fun weekend and I will see you back here next week.
