Thank you so very much for your comments on my last post and new series, My Friend’s “Got Style”. Your excitement about this new series is so thrilling to me and I can’t wait to share another one of my friend’s style of decorating with you. I’ve been collecting teacups and teapots for years. This all started after I sold my tearoom where I served a wide selection of teas, homemade desserts, soups, salads and sandwiches. You can read about my tearoom here. I started hosting a tea party in my home to thank my friends and patrons for supporting me. What started out being a one-time party turned into 15 years of hosting a soirée that took six months to plan and lots of helping hands from friends and family. Be sure and come back during the Christmas holidays for a complete post on my Christmas Tea Parties.

We exchanged; well shall I say we fought over teacups and saucers. It’s a wonder I have any unbroken ones to share with you. Can you believe ladies dressed in their finest attire catfighting over possessing the prettiest teacup and saucer? There were instances where we had “Housewives” moments and I had to put out a few fires but overall, everyone had a blast.
My cups and saucers don’t sit in my cupboards and collect dust. I pull them out and serve tea and coffee when I have guest or when I feel like having an elegant cup by myself. Why not invite a few friends and neighbors over for a cup of tea or coffee? It’s a great way to enjoy your special dishes and a wonderful time to spend with friends.


Bisquick Chocolate Chip Cookies

Tip: Keep it simple. Set out a tray of cookies, donuts or sweet bread. It’s a kind gesture not a work up a sweat kind of affair. If you insist on baking a batch of cookies; find the recipe to these chocolate chip sensations here.

Tip: Make sure you tell your guest, its coffee and tea; that way if you serve a sweet it’s a treat.

Tip: If the weather permits, take the gathering outside and encourage your guest to come dressed super-casual. Flip-flops and no makeup are allowed.

It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to gather friends for a relaxing time so pull out your nice dishes and pour a cup of ahh!
