Southern goodness always comes with something smothered. Pork chops, chicken, biscuits you name it, we love our food covered in that flavorful blanket, AKA gravy. The gravy tenderizes the meat and keeps the meat moist and juicy. Smothering does add a few extra calories so I’ve started using cream of mushroom soup to lighten my dishes and it taste just as good as grandma’s . Aaron, my son prepared this dish for lunch and I am one proud mama. My boy can “burn” as we say in the south. He made a pot of rice and some green beans as side dishes. I make sure I keep lots of green beans, rice and mac and cheese in the pantry because these are his favorite dishes to prepare.  Stir up some southern smothered comfort in your kitchen with this easy recipe. Thanks, Son, I taught you well.



#smothered pork chops

Aaron, left  and his cousins. These are my kitchen helpers during the Thanksgiving Dinner. All three love to cook.

Aaron, left and his cousins. These are my kitchen helpers during the Thanksgiving Dinner. All three love to cook.

4 assorted pork chops
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 small red bell pepper sliced
1 small yellow pepper sliced
1 small onion sliced
1/8 tsp. cumin
1/3 cup Olive Oil

Place pork chops in a baking dish. Salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle cumin on both sides. Spread Cream of Mushroom Soup over pork chops. Add peppers and onions. Cover with aluminum foil. Place in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil and cook for another 15 minutes or until pork chops are tender.
