Bonjour, I decided to take a break from my Christmas decorating and spend a couple of hours in France. Welcome to my very favorite restaurant in Dallas, No.1 Rise. My friend Lorri introduced me to this restaurant and my girl has never lead me down the wrong path when it comes to food. Yes, the food is delectable but the amazement doesn’t stop there.

From the moment you walk under the colorful awning and open the 100+ year old door you are transported to a side-walk café in the south of France right in big “D”, Dallas, TX. I have savored everything on the menu except the cheese tray and that’s only because my cholesterol is elevated and I’m trying really hard to be good. They are famous for their sweet and savory soufflés and if you’ve never had a soufflé, now is the time. The Chef is French and the French wrote the book on soufflés.

#No.1 Rise #french restaurant #souffle'#no 1 rise #souffle #restaurant#souffle #no 1 rise#souffle #no.1 rise #french restaurant
For starters, you must have a bowl of the Marshmallow Soup and some scrumptious baby baguette bread made to order with real cream butter from the cow out back. Okay just kidding on the cow. The marshmallow’s are actually cheese baked to look like marshmallow’s. The pesto is added to the soup at your table, and say ” yes” to the waiter on the pesto.
#marshmallow soup #no.1 rise restaurant

#souffle #french restaurant #no.1 rise
#french bread #no.1 rise #french restaurant


Top your meal off with the apple tart if it’s available. Then take a stroll through the restaurant for some French tea towels, soap and handmade items. By then you will have worked up a potty break and that’s when you get to check out the most unique part of the restaurant. Now that I am re-energized, I will get back to Christmas decorating at home.



#french cup towels #french linens#sterling silve flatware

#apple tart
