I finally broke down and proceeded to put away all my holiday décor. I know some folks want it all gone right after Christmas and certainly before the New Year but I’m not one of those folks.
#mjonesstyle #coffeestation
I love the holidays and I never tire of seeing all the festive signs of the season. I left my pretties out until after New Year’s Day before packing them away.
#mjonesstyle #coffeestation#mjonesstyle #coffeestation
Once everything was cleared out of the area and up in the attic, I was too tired and had no creative energy left to start decorating for the winter season so I just pretended not to notice how blah my home looked and then I finally pulled myself together and started decorating one of my favorite spots in my kitchen, my coffee/station.
#mjonesstyle #coffeestation
I love welcoming the seasons in this area of my kitchen. There’s a big window that faces east and plenty of counter space for me to play around with. If you’ve been following me for awhile you’ve seen my spring/summer and fall coffee station décor so winter will not be left out of the mix.
#mjoonesstyle #blueandwhitecreamerandsugar
I think of hot beverages for winter like cocoa, apple cider and of course coffee and tea. My Winter Cozy Coffee Station is stocked with all these items and more. Since I have a sweet tooth, I make sure I have some cookies or muffins under my cake dome and I fancied up my glass dome by wrapping pink ribbon around the dome and securing it with scotch tape.
#mjonesstyle #coffeestation
Blue and white is a forever favorite color combination of mine and I just so happen to have this B&W creamer and sugar set and mugs that I put out to dress up the area and add a touch of vintage. #mjonesstyle #coffeestation#mjonesstyle #coffeestationNow that my favorite spot is spiffed up and a cuppa is only a tea kettle whistle away, I feel my creative energy flowing to other areas of my home. #mjonesstyle #milkglasscompoteHow about you, have you decorated your home for the winter?

Until next time,

