I always looked forward to Valentine’s Day as a child. The paper cards that came in a box with love quotes, bunnies, bears and colorful hearts.

The ones that every girl or boy dreams of finding in their lunchbox or hidden inside their desk and I can’t forget the sweetheart candy with the words I Love You stamped in red! All these memories of a day filled with love makes me happy and reminds me that you don’t have to spend tons of money to lift someone’s heart.
#mjonestyle #charchuterieboard
All you need is some snicky snacks like the ones found on this Charcuterie Board I created. Add a couple of chocolate bonbons and a chilled bottle of champagne. Pair this with a candlelit evening in your snuggly pajamas and you’ve got a Valentine’s Romantic Celebration at Home for a fraction of the cost of dining out.
#mjonesstyle #charchuterieboard
Swing by the grocer and pick up a few of these items: your favorite fruit and cheese, nuts, salami, ham or turkey, crackers, a couple maybe (4) #Lindt’s Chocolates and a bottle of champagne.
#mjonesstyle #charchuterieboard
Arrange these ingredients on a tray, slip on your pj’s, light the candles and toast to an easy peasy relaxing night in. Happy Valentine’s Day!
#mjonestyle #charchuterieboard

Until next time,

